Affordable Housing Initiatives: Good Things Kitchener

(Le contenu en français sera disponible sous peu)

This week, I’m spotlighting organizations from around our community who are working to make housing affordable and accessible to everyone.

With chronic homelessness on the rise in our community, and unreasonably long wait times for affordable housing, there is a significant need for stable and accessible places to live.

In this episode, I showcase an affordable housing partnership between MennoHomes, St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, and Parents for Community Living. I also highlight the YWCA and Indwell, which plan to bring an additional 200 affordable housing units to our community in the coming years.

Watch the video to learn more!

For further information:

My blog post, Putting Homes for People First


Optimism for Electoral Reform (finally!): Sharon Sommerville and Byron Weber Becker


Respectful debate, not theatrical partisanship