People of Kitchener for Mike Morrice
Stephen Trim
Stephen voted conservative in 2011, Liberal 2015, and is now helping out with Mike’s Green campaign. He is a local writer and has worked in educational technology. Stephen made Kitchener his home, after moving for his masters at UWaterloo.
Age: 27 | Born: North York
Favourite food: Pasta
Favourite artist: Cat Stevens
Favourite colour: Orange
Favourite superpower: Spiderman-Gifts
Hobbies: Sports, Music, Reading
What are some of the things that matter to you in this election?
“I am concerned about another political cycle where nothing gets done.”
Why are you endorsing Mike?
“Mike is the best candidate in Kitchener Centre - full stop. I have been blue, I have been red, I never thought I’d be green, but Mike makes me believe.”
What do you hope to achieve personally/ professionally in your life?
“I hope to be a successful writer, or go into public service down the road.”
Are you hopeful about the future?
“I am hopeful when I talk to people, less so when I am watching the news and politicians paying lip service.”
If you could change one thing today what would it be?
“I would want to see access to food insecurities be eliminated - huge part of affordability.”
What do you hope to see in a politician/political campaign?
“A person who is willing to call a spade a spade—be who they are, not who they think people want them to be.”