People of Kitchener for Mike Morrice

Hudeyfa Sahal


Hudeyfa is a KW local and attended high school at WCI. He then went on to the University of Toronto to study biomedical research, majoring in biochemistry. Hudeyfa is an aspiring community leader, enjoys reading, and hanging out with friends.

Age: 28 | Born: Toronto

Favourite food: Lasagna

Favourite artist: K’naan

Favourite colour: Purple

Favourite superpower: Invisibility

Hobbies: Reading, writing, exploring and discovering the community - “The unexamined life is not worth living”


What are some of the things that matter to you in this election?


“Healthcare and police reform are my biggest issues. Specifically - access to pharmacare, and first responders dealing with mental health patients - they are not trained or equipped to handle some situations the best they could be.”


Why are you endorsing Mike?

“Integrity, which Mike has in spades. He is grounded enough to understand the common people’s struggle.”


What do you hope to achieve personally/ professionally in your life?

“I wish to be a scientist/professor and be a role model for youth. I want to use my learned life lessons to inspire and educate.”


Are you hopeful about the future?

“Now I am, yea.”


If you could change one thing today what would it be?

“I would have gone to UWaterloo for chemical engineer, haha.”