Donations from supporters like you helped elect Mike in 2021. Mike has an outsized impact for Kitchener and Green values in the House of Commons. Your contribution has a direct impact on amplifying Mike’s work.
If you believe in bringing our community’s voice to Ottawa; if you believe in advocating for those who need it most; if you believe that our planet needs climate action now - please make a donation today. You can contribute any amount up to $1,750. When you donate, you can get a tax credit of up to 75%.
Tax receipts will either be mailed by the Green Party of Canada or the Kitchener Centre EDA depending on the method of donation.
Donate directly to the Kitchener Centre federal Greens using your credit card or PayPal. You do not need a PayPal account. See instructions to Pay as a Guest.
Donate to the Kitchener Centre federal Greens via
e-transfer or cheque. A volunteer can pick up your cheque if you live locally. Please submit the form.
Donate via the Green Party of Canada website using your credit card. 10% of your donation will support staff to provide services from the national party.
Donors certify that:
1. they are either a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada.
2. they are making this contribution with their own personal funds and not with a business account or on behalf of another person.
3. no individual or organization will either partially or fully reimburse them.