Donations from supporters like you helped elect Mike in 2021. Mike has an outsized impact for Kitchener and Green values in the House of Commons. Your contribution has a direct impact on amplifying Mike’s work.

If you believe in bringing our community’s voice to Ottawa; if you believe in advocating for those who need it most; if you believe that our planet needs climate action now - please make a donation today. We encourage supporters to make a monthly donation, or make a one-time contribution of any amount up to $1,725. When you donate, you can get a tax credit of up to 75%.

The Kitchener Centre EDA will mail tax receipts.


Donate directly to the Kitchener Centre Green Party using your credit card or paypal.

Donate to the Kitchener Centre Greens via e-transfer or cheque. A volunteer can pick up your cheque if you live locally. Fill in the form for instructions.

Donate via the Green Party of Canada website using your credit card. 10% of your donation will support staff to provide services from the national party.

Donors certify:

1. That they are either a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada.

2. That they are making this contribution with their own personal funds and not with a business account or on behalf of another person.

3. That no individual or organization will either partially or fully reimburse them.